Five Star: My Book Rating and Note System for Thoughtful Reading

Remember the thrill of cracking open a new book as a kid? Each page was a ticket to somewhere, a passage to unimaginable adventures, an encounter with an interesting character, or a life lesson learned the easy way. When I was a young reader, Maniac Magee championed the power of empathy in bridging divides, while Hatchet's tale of survival instilled a respect for the force of nature, and The Life of Henry Ford unveiled the power of innovation. Back then, stories were a way to live a thousand lives, to explore worlds without ever leaving my room.

As years marched on, that enchantment was eroded by the tides of obligation. By the time I reached college, I was slogging through tomes on Kentucky's political history. The magic was gone. Like so many others forced to consume books ill-fitted to their interests, the flames of reading smoldered beneath the ashes of academic drudgery.

But then came 2020, locking the world outside and me inside. In that forced isolation, I returned to books. What followed was a renaissance, a metamorphosis— like I was reinitiated into a secret club for readers. The print that once served as doorways to imaginary worlds now unveiled insights into the ultimate story—life. 

As the minutes spent reading turned into hours, I decided to track my consumption. Every time I finished a book, I scored it from 1 to 5, adding half-points for extra precision. This simple practice not only encouraged more mindful reading but also enabled me to analyze the impact of each book. What began as casual cataloging evolved into a system complete with criteria and a note-taking framework.

Sure, there's still something irresistibly sweet about getting lost in a book without overanalyzing it. However, developing a more thoughtful and structured approach unlocked deeper appreciation and understanding. This isn't to say that every book requires intense scrutiny, but being more conscious and deliberate can deliver added benefits.

Rating each book and taking structured notes helped me solidify the key ideas, improve retention, and spark self-reflection. It transformed reading from a passive experience into an active one, allowing me to synthesize concepts, narratives, and perspectives more effectively.

My ratings aren't just about literary merit or critical acclaim. They reflect how well a book's ideas resonated at that particular time. A high rating means the book and I were meant to be—it spoke to me in a way I needed, and I was primed to absorb its message. On the flip side, even highly acclaimed books have sometimes fallen flat for me. It wasn't that they weren't great works; we just weren't on the same wavelength at that moment.

Realizing that a rating reflects book/reader fit led me to view the rating process more nuancedly. A low score doesn't necessarily indicate a book's quality but a lack of harmony at that moment. Under different circumstances, an idea that fell flat could spark an epiphany. This allows the rating system to be flexibly subjective — a snapshot of how a book resonated within my consciousness at that particular time.

My system explained

At the core of my system lies a rating scale from 1 to 5, with the ability to assign half-point increments (e.g. 4.5). This range provides a spectrum to capture a book's varying degrees of impact and enjoyment.

  • 5.0—Transformative and highly enjoyable, this book fundamentally shifts perspectives or ways of living through profound realizations or spiritual awakenings. It is excellently written.

  • 4.0 — Commendable but not life-changing. The book enriches understanding or delivers great satisfaction through meaningful themes and ideas explored artfully.

  • 3.0—Average or meets expectations. It was a respectable reading experience that was entertaining, informative, or thought-provoking to some degree without leaving an indelible mark.

  • 2.0 —Falls short of expectations. It had significant shortcomings, though I completed it.

  • 1.0 — Rarely used for books I did not finish due to lack of merit or an unfulfilling experience.

The Art of Note-Taking 

Assigning a rating neatly wraps up a book, but the magic happens in the margins through note-taking. It's not just about remembering cool bits or revelations—it's about grappling with ideas, questioning them, and thinking about their impact on life.

Since starting, my note-taking has evolved. Now, my book journal is neatly organized in a Notion database. Each page has space to spill reactions, save quotes, and note realizations. This living document distills the most impactful ideas and relevant excerpts.

My template includes several sections designed to encapsulate the book's essence:

  • Notes: Freeform thoughts, reactions, and observations while reading. 

  • The Book in 3 Sentences: A brief summary.

  • How the Book Changed Me: Reflections on pivotal realizations or perspectival shifts. 

  • Top 3 Quotes: The passages that resonated most profoundly.

By entering these notes into a searchable database, I'm building a wisdom library accessible with a few clicks. I can recall the perfect quote, idea, or concept exactly when needed for writing or a bit of inspiration to get through the day. Tapping into this insight on demand has become invaluable, helping me tackle ups and downs with more grace and wisdom.

While my rating system and note-taking process are tailored to my needs, I firmly believe in the power of developing one's own approach. Your system may work differently, weighing literary craftsmanship or narrative more heavily. Or your notes may focus on capturing thematic arcs or characterization. The value lies in the commitment to engage with each book as an active participant.

Consistently "going deep" sparks a spiral of curiosity and contemplation. Every book generates new lines of inquiry, expanding understanding and stoking the fires of wonderment. Ultimately, whether adopting my system or your own, the inherent rewards lie in the process— a cycle of learning, reflection, and ever-expanding perspective fueled by the written word.

For those with your own unique reading practices, I welcome you to share your insights, struggles, and rituals surrounding the act of reading.


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